OK, so I got it wrong. The tattoo on Mike's arm does not have hands forming a triangle around the eye. It's just a triangle. But you have to realize that I hadn't seen Mike's bare arm in a while. He was in jail for 13 months, you know. He did get to show it to his buddies in the white supremacist gang he joined, though.
I'm glad that the slight change in insignia didn't fool the couple of people who wrote in though. Mike can stutter and create evidence and post on the message boards as half a dozen different posters and doctor documents all he wants. Those who know him, are not fooled and that's all that matters. Just the facts, Mike? Here they are: I stated from the git go that you were abuseoflaw.org and you denied it. Then all of a sudden abuseoflaw announces that you have been "hired". Uh, huh. The general gist of the insignia that was on the abuseoflaw website (supposedly owned by the non-existent Illumination Fraud Foundation) and now on Illuminatistocks.com just coincidentally happens to appear on your arm. Oh and btw, I received an email overnight from someone who claims that you are also smallcapacademy.com, but I haven't confirmed that yet. They sure seem to be the same website though.
Speaking of illuminatistocks.com and smallcapacademy.com, isn't it just funny how they both claim you could have made a fortune following their picks for the last year, and yet one was registered in February and the other one was registered less than 4 weeks ago. WOW! That is standard Mike deception.
And isn't it funny how I predicted that you would look in the mirror and talk to yourself and suddenly find yourself talking to pretend people about how horrible a person I am. Heart wrenching stories Mike? How about the million dollars you stole from Carol Perez, who then couldn't afford breast cancer treatments. How about the $ 1.5 million that Greg Gedda flushed down the toilet to your schemes. How about your single handed destruction of WiFi Med (WIFM)? Or the money your ripped off from the families of the employees of Principal Capital Group whom you then stiffed for paychecks? Or how about your children whom you abandoned and didn't feed? Sohail Djarin, Robert Kramarz, David Gregg (Harold's brother), Rob Seechrist, Frank Webber, George Key, Thomas Quinn, Steve Eckert, untold number of hotels, car rental agencies and restaurants where you played "dine and dash" with Shanney and your kids. Are those stories heart wrenching enough? These are just the ones off the top of my head. And please don't shed anymore crocodile tears with your claims about how you are working towards making restitution. You don't care about your victims and you will never pay back a dime unless you are forced to.
Great lie on your posting yesterday, though. "Recently, we have made it a point to sit on the sidelines...". Actually, you were busy trying to conduct your cons and when your latest attempt failed, you decided to take another crack at me. Here's an email I received a couple of nights ago.
"Mr. Sharp,
I want to thank you for probably saving me and my company a lot of money. I was close to making a deal with Mr. Osborn when during the course of my due diligince [sic] I came across your website. I shudder when I think of how close I came to exposing everyone around me to this person. Thank you for all you do.
A grateful friend"
So the fact of the matter is that Mike was pissed that this blog ruined another shot at his ability to abscond with someone's money. And he returned to his own blog to "get even".
Remember the confrontation between Mike and my attorney at the courthouse, which I recounted in yesterday's post, where Mike stated that, "that if 'his buddy' (meaning me) didn't come up with a settlement number and agree to a mutual take down of blogs (this one and abuseoflaw.org), that things were "going to get worse" This is why Mike tried to make a deal with David. So that he could continue with his cons. And now, his latest posting/fabrication is his idea of things "getting worse". OK.
Btw, did you notice how Mike didn't deny that that conversation took place? Game, set, match!
Here's a promise! This blog will never come down. Abuseoflaw.org will. Very soon. GOOGLE has already taken away Mike's right to advertise on it. Yes Mike, I noticed.