Those of you who know Michael, know that he comes up with a lot of excuses for not keeping his commitments. "The baby is sick". "The baby is in the hospital". "My grandmother had a stroke". "The bank screwed up". "I didn't get to the bank on time". "I'm waiting for confirmation of the funds". "I couldn't get to the bank because I had to babysit". etc., etc., etc. Michael is also famous for concocting phony wire transfer documents, proof of funds documents, and (according to at least one ex-wife) phony marriage licenses.
Recently, I've had reports of Michael's two newest excuses. Apparently, March 19, 2010 was an Osborn milestone for payment to at least two of his victims. Well wasn't it convenient that he had to appear in court that day and I was able to arrange for his arrest. That was the day Mike was handcuffed in the courtroom for not appearing at his dead-beat Dad hearing in Los Angeles.
Here's the kicker. Osborn used the arrest as an excuse for his non-performance. He let everyone concerned know that he spent over 24 hours in the hole. However, rather than admit he was a dead-beat Dad, the circumstances for his arrest, according to his account, was that he was found in Contempt of Court for mouthing off to a Judge.
Another story Mike has been telling lately also regards his inability to make the payments that are due to the participants in his current Ponzi scheme. According to him, I have obtained a Writ of Execution which has been tying up his bank account as a result of "bullshit" lawsuit that should have been against a Nevada corporation, and that his lawyers are now resolving. Well I have no lawsuit outstanding against Mike. What I do have is a 5 year old, irreversible judgment against him in excess of $500,000 for (you guessed it) fraud. I would love to have a Writ of Execution tying up his bank account but he won't tell me where it is.
If Mike told me the sky was blue, I would be positive that it was red.

Harold Gregg, Virgil Williams, Corey Engelen, Jehu Hand, Aniko Kaye, Anthony Hruska, Michael Porter, Christopher Laursen, Clinton Greyling, Thomas Parilla, Alexandre Scheer
SCAMS MICHAEL HAS PARTICIPATED IN:, Fortitude Group, Inc. (FRTD), ThePumpTracker Fund, Victory Capital Holdings Corporation, Principal Capital Group, Inc., Virtual Gaming Enterprises, Commissum Universes, LP, Las Vegas Airlines
MICHAEL'S CURRENT SCAMS : Commify Technology Corp., Genesis Gives, VW Win Century, Inc. (OTC Pink: VWIN), Star Alliance International Corp. (OTC Pink: STAL), Inbit Corp. (OTC Pink: INBT)
KNOWN ALIASES: Jerry Lambert, Michael Lamont, Tom Furlong
You should get a life and. While you live in this black clout of Mike Isons life and try and collect on ghost funds. Make good use of your time and enjoy the San Diego lifestyle
You don't think that keeping this blog alive and limiting the number of future victims is making good use of my time? I would suggest that there are many who were saved by this blog that would would disagree with you. And I do enjoy the San Diego lifestyle, thank you.
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